Reply: 10 Laws of Tech

Of these 10 laws of tech:

  • “A technology that was built for good will eventually be also used for bad” - I’m sure I agree with this. It seems like there’s a lot of tech that just isn’t useful enough to be bad with.
  • “A company’s technology stack will be based on the experience and preferences of the first technical person in that company” - for the most part, but more based on those of the most senior people, which is to be expected, and the first person tends to be the most senior for some time.
  • “The most painful, and least useful projects are migration projects, yet companies will replace technologies every 4 years” - 100%
  • “Every major technology is going to be followed by a movement to eradicate that technology because it’s going to ruin us” - huh?
  • “A highly communicative and collaborative team of average engineers, is going to outperform an uncommunicative and non-collaborative team of great engineers” - most of the time, yes.
  • “Left alone, a product team will optimize to the closest and easiest goal” - mostly, yes.
  • “Some aspects of tech are pseudo theological” - yes, which is why these decisions need to get automated away; the choice doesn’t matter, taking away the discussion does.
  • “When you hire someone from another company, you take some of that company’s DNA into your own company” - yes, see also acquisitions.
  • “Everyone celebrates version 1.0.0 — but it is version 1.0.3 that actually brings customer value” - yes, although a lot of things don’t have an explicit version number like that any more, of course.
  • “Someone in 10 years is going to call your shiny new software “old crap” and will wonder who the hell designed such a bad product” - 100%, sigh.
Tony Meyer @tonyandrewmeyer