Suggestions on how to build software. ✅= matches my experience, ❌ = not wrong, but not my experience:
✅ Developers are most effective when they’re familiar with many systems, not just one or two. ❌ Automation (e.g. continuous deployment) can cause as many problems at it solves. ✅ Keep the dev cycle near-instantaneous. ✅ Take advantage of the recency bias. ✅ Prefer projects with small organizational scopes. ✅ Check in often, with everybody, about a project’s perceived value. ✅ Don’t measure proxies. ✅ Allowing developer autonomy will make or break a project. ❓ Metrics are for software, not people. ✅ Everybody wins when people can just manage themselves. ✅ Intrinsics play only a small role in human potential. Metrics are for software, not people. Everybody wins when people can just manage themselves. Intrinsics play only a small role in human potential.