In plain terms, everybody is being [messed] with constantly in tiny little ways by most apps and services, and I believe that billions of people being [messed] with at once in all of these ways has profound psychological and social consequences that we’re not meaningfully discussing.

As usual, long and with many swears, but I agree with much of this “Never Forgive Them” post (apart from, ironically, that things are unforgivable).

Growth is such a bad driver, and VC is one of the biggest rotten cores.

Also this:

to push users into doing things that either keep them on the app longer

I had this argument so many times at N-able, where there was a pervasive idea that more time using the product was good (ostensibly for the user, but really for revenue), and I continually argued that less time was, in fact, better.

Tony Meyer @tonyandrewmeyer